Spanish Dual Language Academy
Our Spanish Dual Language Academy offers students the opportunity to achieve higher academic performance through an immersive bilingual education. By the time they graduate, students demonstrate academic success in both their first and second languages, with performance levels for native English speakers and English Language Learners at or above grade level.
Our curriculum not only meets academic standards but challenges students to excel and prepare for higher education and other post-secondary opportunities.

Enchanced Cognitive Skills & Social Skills
Bilingual education improves cognitive and metalinguistic skills, helping students think more critically and flexibly. Studies show that bilingual learners develop enhanced problem-solving skills and the ability to understand complex concepts across subjects, benefiting them both academically and personally.
​Through bilingual education, students not only develop strong academic skills but also build self-esteem and confidence. They learn to value and celebrate cultural differences, preparing them to be leaders in an increasingly interconnected world.

Cultural Competence and a Global Perspective
At our academy, students gain a broader view of language and cultures, fostering a deep understanding and appreciation of global diversity. All students will learn to interact cross-culturally and develop strong communication skills that empower them to navigate diverse environments with confidence and empathy.

Recognition of Biliteracy & the Pathway to the Seal of Biliteracy
We are committed to nurturing high levels of proficiency in both English and Spanish. Upon completing our program, students will graduate with a Dual Language Proficiency Recognition Award for students who meet the criteria. This will help support student's pathway to the the prestigious State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB), which is marked by a gold seal on the diploma or transcript, recognizing students who have mastered reading, writing, and speaking in two or more languages at high school graduation.